Carers - Local information
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Information and Advice
If you would like information and advice on services available in angus you can visit the following websites
However, if you would prefer to speak to a member of staff you can contact First Contact via ACCESSLine on 01241 465274 or email
Loan Options
Angus Health and Social Care Partnership have a range of equipment solutions available for loan (free of charge) from Independent Living Angus. Small adaptations can also be arranged once owner/ landlord permissions have been obtained, usually free of charge. There is a weekly cost associated with the community alarm and tele-care service.
It is very important that the Angus Health and Social Care Partnership know that the equipment they loan is suitable for both you, other household members and your home.
Private Purchase
Angus Health and Social Care Partnership have an agreed list of loan items however there are other providers who exist that also supply similar items. As we have not checked their products we are unable to advise on their suitability. The guidance below offers basic advice if you are purchasing products yourself privately.
Private Purchases PDFCarers - Local information
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Young carers living in Scotland who are aged 16 to 18 years old may be entitled to an annual payment of around £300. To qualify, they must spend an average of 16 hours each week caring for a person who has a qualifying disability benefit.
The young carer can be providing care for more than one person and they can combine the hours of the people they care for to average 16 hours a week. The grant is paid once a year, up until the carer turns 19. There are no criteria on how the grant is spent, it could be used for things like new clothes, driving lessons or a holiday.
For more details go to
If you are a young carer, you can also visit for more information.