

This is the Hands-Free Can Opener product page. You can read all about the product here, including a manufacturer's description, instructional PDF documents and supply or loan options (if available). PDF files will require Adobe Reader (or a similar application) to be installed on your computer to view (click here to install Adobe Reader).

There are different retailers that can supply the product to you, the information for which can be found under the Supply Options title towards the bottom of the page. The retailers are split into local and national services. Clicking on a retailer's name will take you to a page with all of their information and the option to order the product.

Equipment Catalogue

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Hands-Free Can Opener

Hands-Free Can Opener

Where to buy

DISCLAIMER: Angus Health and Social Care Partnership does not have any affiliation or connection with these suppliers. ADL Smartcare and Angus Health and Social Care Partnership have no responsibility for the content once you leave this site.


This automatic can opener opens any can with ease, which is particularly useful for those who find that operating a standard manual can opener is either difficult or painful. Amazingly it opens virtually any shape of can (for triangular cans place the opener on a long side to start it). Designed to be safe and hygienic, it cuts neatly without leaving a sharp edge. To use position the can opener on top of the can, press to start and once it has completed one full pass of the can push the same power button again to turn it off. Finally lift and remove the can opener, which will normally have the lid attached, as it is held by the product’s built in magnet. Battery operated, requiring 4 x AA batteries (not included).

Helpful advice

Click on the link to see the document.

Hints and Tips on using can openers

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