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NHS Audiology Department in Tayside have a referral procedure:

If you have never been seen at the audiology department, you must contact your GP initially for assessment and onward referral.

If you are an existing NHS hearing aid user, you can contact the Audiology department at Kingscross Health and Community Care Centre, Dundee using the following details.

Contact information
Adult Audiology:  tay.audiology@nhs.scot  /  Paediatric Audiology: tay.paediatricaudiology@nhs.scot
Phone: (
01382) 596965 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm)

You can also visit NHS Tayside's website for further information about the services offered, please visit www.nhstayside.scot.nhs.uk/index.htm and search A-Z of services.

For Hearing aid maintenance or repairs, please contact NHS Tayside Audiology on 01382 596965 and an appointment can be arranged. Appointments are available in Kings Cross Health & Community Care Centre, Dundee or in Stracathro Hospital.

NHS hearing aid users can obtain free batteries posted to them by contacting the Audiology department. To get in touch, please use the information below. 

Contact information
Adult Audiology:  tay.audiology@nhs.scot  /  Paediatric Audiology: tay.paediatricaudiology@nhs.scot
01382 596965

Batteries may also be obtained:

  1. By Post – If patients send in their (Yellow) Hearing Aid book to Audiology at Kings Cross new batteries will be sent out to them.
  2. From North East Sensory Services, Number 10, 10 Constitution Road, Dundee DD1 1LL. Tel: 01382 721455 or Tel: 07713711772

Batteries available Mon-Fri 9am-4pm (Yellow battery book must be shown)

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